Travel Tales

A Few Photos from Bath, and Postcards for the Blog Readers!

It’s been 3 weeks since I posted here, and honestly, it feels like 3 months instead. It’s been a super busy month, and I’m not exaggerating when I say this might be the busiest I’ve been in the last 2.5 years. What with moving house, parents’ visit and a bit of traveling, and dealing with documents and bureaucracy, it’s really hard to find time to sit back and relax. I used to wonder when people told me they were so busy they didn’t have time to read, how could that be? But now that’s the case with me.

This blog has taken a back seat for the last few weeks, but this morning I woke up with a sudden itch to blog, and so here I am writing this post.

Two weeks ago, we made a stop at Bath on our way from Rhayader to Southampton, to show this beautiful city to my parents. Bath is one of my favorite cities in the UK, and it didn’t disappoint!

While my mom and sister went inside the abbey, H and I sat on the bench outside, listening to a busker singing pop songs.

It was a gorgeous day, and the city was packed! I don’t think I’d seen Bath that crowded before.

It was beautiful, nonetheless.

I strolled around by myself for about half an hour, walking away from the crowd and the busker singing Don’t Look Back in Anger, through the cobbled alleyways. Things were much calmer here. I didn’t expect much from this wandering, but as usual, Bath always had surprises, even in the tiniest, dingiest corners.

Have I told you Bath has the prettiest independent shops? My favorite kind.

In the late afternoons, as my parents retreated to the hotel for a quick nap, my sister, H, and I went to a park nearby. They charged 1.5 quids per person (“Heinous!” H claimed, and I agree), but it was a beautiful park so we paid, despite feeling robbed.

And so that was Bath trip for the parents! I kept forgetting that we had to slow down and not squeeze too many places on the itinerary when we travel with the parents.

If you’d like to see more photos of Bath, I wrote another post back then (with more pictures, and during Christmas time!), so have a read here: Christmas 2014 and A Bit About Bath

Postcards for the readers

And now, I have some postcards that I picked up in Bath for my lovely blog readers! I LOVE postcards more than fridge magnets or any other souvenirs, mainly because I can write something on it.

I’ve never had a giveaway on this blog (not that I think these postcards can be counted as a giveaway, anyway), but I want to share a snippet of my favorite city with you. Maybe someday I’ll have a proper giveaway, but for now, I hope this is not too shabby 😉

If you’d like to receive a postcard, write a comment below, answering this question (hope you don’t mind!): what do you like about this blog, and what would you like to see more in here?

The lucky 4 will be chosen randomly.

Looking forward to hearing your answers! 🙂

Update: the giveaway is now closed as the winners have been chosen (thanks, random generator!). Thank you everyone for taking part, and congrats Nerissa, Christa, Okky, & Inly!

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  • Reply Arman

    cakep banget ya kota Bath nya….
    mau dong postcard nya buat koleksi si andrew…

    what i like about your blog ya karena suka aja baca cerita2 kesehariannya dan juga suka sama foto2nya…

    July 26, 2017 at 7:18 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Iyaa, Bath ini emang cantik banget krn masih ada bekas2 medieval ruins nya.

      Thank you buat feedbacknya yaa 🙂

      July 28, 2017 at 2:50 pm
  • Reply Ria

    How I miss Bath, my fave city too. I remember I went there when I was just 12 weeks preggo with my twins, so had to look for a toilet every one or 2 hours since my morning sickness (not only morning but the whole day!) Love this little city and miss England….a little bit!

    Would love to get a postcard because it would bring back my memory in Bath😍 I love reading your blog, first I like the layout of your blog. Simple and clean but sweet. Second, love reading your stories about your new life in UK and your travel photos are gorgeous. I would like you to write more about your new life in UK, your daily kinda life. xx

    July 26, 2017 at 11:11 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      It’s easy to love Bath, isn’t it? Such a gorgeous city. I can’t imagine you coping with traveling and going to the toilet every so often! It was such a long time ago then, do you have plan to make another visit to England? 😀

      Thank you for your feedback! I love writing about my daily life, that’s how I started this blog and I enjoy writing about it the most. Glad to know other people enjoy reading it as well. But yes, daily and personal life are something I also enjoy reading on other people’s blogs 😀

      July 28, 2017 at 2:54 pm
  • Reply Kate

    Bath has been on my list of places to visit for YEARS but I’ve still never made it to the UK (one day… one day…). So naturally, I must live vicariously through other bloggers.

    I would love to receive a postcard because (1) I love mail and (2) a postcard of the city will further inspire me to visit. I love your blog because you’re so honest on it; you don’t sugarcoat your feelings about anything and it’s so refreshing to read something clearly written by a real person when it seems like so many other people do it just to make money. I’d love to see more about your daily life. I always love reading posts by people who have just recently moved, especially with as big of a move as yours was.

    Kate |

    July 27, 2017 at 12:39 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Hi Kate, thank you so much for your comment & feedback! Hopefully you’ll get a chance to visit the UK one day, hopefully soon. Fingers crossed for you!

      I also have the same sentiment about blogging. I love reading about daily life and something more personal, but sadly this kind of content doesn’t get written so often, as magazine-like content is more popular in the blogosphere. Nothing wrong with it, of course, but I miss reading blogs that are not like a magazine, and blogs that have more stories than products in it. I’m constantly on the look for personal blogs, as I enjoy reading it more and I feel they don’t get the attention they deserve. Please let me know if you have more suggestions, as I feel we’re on the same page 😀

      July 28, 2017 at 3:03 pm
  • Reply Nerissa

    I’ve been living through your pictures, Kak Dixie. hehe, but really though, I remember visiting Bath five years ago with my Aunt and it was indeed so so sooo pretty. The shops are so cute with the cobblestoned street look so vintage. And I love how you express the city from your point of view here through your pictures and story.

    And what I like about this blog is because, mainly for the love we both have for UK. I left a big piece of myself in that country after such a short time and to know that Kak Dixie feels the same way too, it just feels so nice. And also the love for the books, for pretty houses, for countrysides, for flowers and for stories.
    Hope to read more about your daily life and adventure from where you live, Kak Dixie xxx

    July 27, 2017 at 12:41 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Thank you so much Nerissa! Bath never disappoints, indeed. Cobblestoned streets and small independent shops are my favorite, and Bath is full with those.

      I know that we like similar things, and I have a feeling we might be kindred spirits. We share the same love and feelings for many things, and I can relate so much to your writing. I really hope we get to meet in real life one day (hopefully in the UK?). And thank you so much for your feedback, really appreciate it! 🙂

      July 28, 2017 at 3:09 pm
  • Reply inlycampbell

    Wahhh cakep2 yah Dixie, aku selalu suka fotomu lho.. nyampe ke blog ini juga gara2 tahu dari Christa.. hehe..

    Sama kayak yang lain, pengen denger cerita kamu soal new life in UK.. kebayang UK tuh yah London, haha.. Dan aku suka banget baca tentang countrysidenya. Dari fotomu bisa ikut membayangkan.. 🙂

    July 27, 2017 at 9:27 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Thank you Inly. Banyak juga yang mampir ke sini dari blognya Christa, hehe.

      Ternyata banyak ya yang pengen denger cerita tentang life in the UK. Dengan senang hati aku akan nulis lebih banyak tentang ini, karena aku juga enjoy banget nulis tentang kehidupan sehari2. And I’m hoping to make more trips to the countryside, semoga nanti bisa aku share di blog yaa. Thank you for the feedback 🙂

      July 28, 2017 at 3:12 pm
  • Reply Christa

    Bath is one of my favorite cities in the UK too! It was only a short drive from Bournemouth yet I felt like I was transferred to another dimension when I was there..

    I really enjoy the way you connect your photos and writing… and I wish to see more of “7 things” series in the future! x

    July 28, 2017 at 5:19 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Bath is really special, isn’t it? It’s not such a big city and I’ve been there a few times, and yet I never get bored.

      7 Things series is a hard work! I still want to do it regularly, but maybe not weekly as originally planned (fortnightly or monthly, maybe). I know that people love lists and some of my popular posts are from that series. Thank you for your feedback ya Christa, duly noted! 🙂

      July 28, 2017 at 3:14 pm
  • Reply aggy87

    Oh my! It’s so gorgeous Dixie!! I’ve never been to Bath but it is on my list especially after you said there are lots of independent shops!

    I agree with you on the postcard, I love postcards too more than magnets 😍

    I love everything about this blog cos you write with so much honesty and also you show us gorgeous AND unique places to visit! I really would like to see more “book related” places and your thoughts about them, come on Dix, make me drool 😝

    July 28, 2017 at 12:50 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Aggy, I think you’re gonna love Bath. Fingers crossed you’ll get a chance to visit it someday (and maybe we can meet there? Would really love to meet you in real life).

      Thank you for feedback! Visiting book-related places would be a treat for me as well, and I’ll definitely share it on the blog if I visit such places again 🙂

      July 28, 2017 at 3:16 pm
  • Reply Okky Dwi Hapitta

    Dixie.. Bath baguus banget yaa.. Dan itu foto yang ada tengkoraknya tu ternyata di Bath hihi baru ngeh.. Tala suka banget sm foto itu 😀
    Suka baca blog nya Dixie tu karena gaya nulisnya dan bisa berasa lagi diajak ke tempat Dixie jalan-jalan kl di bagian yang travel tales nya..
    Jangan bosen-bosen update cerita-cerita di UK nya ya, biar kalo ke sana (AAMIIN), ga cuma ke London aja hihihi

    July 28, 2017 at 3:50 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Okky, makasih yaa udah baca cerita2 di sini. Iyaa yang foto tengkorak itu diambil pas lg di Bath 😂

      Aku juga berusaha selalu rajin update, tapi apa daya kadang ga ada waktu. Amiiin nanti semoga bisa jalan2 di sini yaa 🙂

      July 31, 2017 at 4:28 pm
  • Reply Anne Afriliani

    Hello kak Dixie! It’s been very exciting reading and stopping at your blog, I couldn’t stop smiling looking at your traveling photos (I’m a sucker to see green, brown, and blue in photos) and the stories behinds it. I hope your blog is getting more colorful with lots and lots of photos to see especially your daily living in UK, and I would love to see Kak Divie and your mom too actually 🙂

    Though I’ve never been to Bath, I would love to visit there someday so I absolutely want to get the chance of getting a postcard from Bath 🙂

    July 29, 2017 at 4:58 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Hi Anne, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog! I have quite a lot of more colorful photos for the upcoming posts. As for my mom and my sister, I actually didn’t take a lot of photos with them, especially with Divie haha. Will rummage through my folders to see if there’s any.

      Thank you for the feedback ya Ne, hopefully you’ll get a chance to visit Bath someday 🙂

      July 31, 2017 at 4:31 pm
  • Reply nyonyawhitfield

    Bath has always been on my list! Maybe for next trip 🙂 I love the way you edit your photos (and the way you take pictures!) and I’d like to see more of your daily life *kepo* hahaha and your 7 things series x I wish I can blog as good as you do, because I am too lazy and prefer going to the gym most of the time 🙂

    July 31, 2017 at 8:32 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Thank you Stella! Bath is absolutely stunning, hopefully you can visit it next time you’re here. I’ve been enjoying writing about my daily life and 7 thing series, but sometimes it’s hard to find time to sit down, write, and edit the photos. I wish I could be more motivated to go to the gym! 😆

      July 31, 2017 at 4:34 pm
  • Reply Fika

    Mba keren banget foto-fotonya aku jadi minder wkwkwkwk langsung aku save nih jadi blog favorit akuh ☺️

    August 23, 2017 at 10:31 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Hi Fika, makasih yaa! Jangan mindeeer, aku juga masih belajar foto kok sampe sekarang 🙂
      Aah senang disave jadi blog favorit, makasih yaa!

      August 23, 2017 at 6:51 pm

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