Snippets of life, Thoughts, Travel Tales

Winter Wonderland

“What do you want for Christmas?”

H and my sister had asked me this question a few times, but I hadn’t given a definitive answer (we’re all about practicality here, so we just ask what each other wants for Christmas).

This question really got me thinking and trying to figure out what I really wanted, until the realization hit me: I don’t want anything.

I’m perfectly happy with what I have now, and getting to celebrate Christmas in a beautiful city with my loved ones is more than what I could ask for.

There are a few things that I want, or rather, want to achieve, but those are things I have to do myself.

I’m very grateful that 2017 has been kind to me, and I have a lot to be thankful for; among many things are better mental and physical health, and the chance to be together with (some of) my loved ones this Christmas.

I used to take family time for granted, but now, living far away from my family has made me realize that I just want to be with them for Christmas. My favorite Christmas memories are the things I did with them. It doesn’t matter what I do; it’s the people that make Christmas as wonderful as it’s always been.

Last week, I got the chance to visit my sister in Sweden. It was just my luck that on my first day there, the snow fell and covered the whole city.

When it started snowing, I was at Skansen Kronan was with my sister. The place was tranquil, and the view of the city before us was nothing short of amazing. And as I stood there, admiring the city from above and thinking how wonderful it was to be there with my sister, the snow started to fall. This pleasant surprise had my excitement level shot up through the roof, but I calmed down quickly, thinking it wouldn’t last long and the snow would melt in an instant.

I was wrong. The snowflakes kept falling, blanketing the whole city. Granted, it was only a thin layer of snow, but it was more than enough for me, a tropical kid who adored the idea of being in the snow (even if her toes were numb and her fingers were starting to hurt).

The next day, I was on my way to Linköping when I saw row and row of trees covered in snow; it was almost completely white. As I sat there on the bus, I kept thinking whether this was what Narnia would look like in real life.

In Linköping, everything looked even more magical, and I was giddy with euphoria. Numb toes be damned; I felt like I could stay outside for longer just to enjoy the view.

My first experience was wonderful, but I’m wondering whether it had more to do with the people than the place itself.

If I had to sum up my short visit to Sweden in just a few words, it would be this: frozen toes and warm heart.

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  • Reply Christa

    I think it had more to do with the people, Dix 😉

    December 23, 2017 at 11:08 pm
  • Reply saribainbridge

    Beautiful Pictures Dix, Merry Christmas 🙂

    December 24, 2017 at 3:39 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Thank you Mbak Sari, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you too! *super telat*

      January 3, 2018 at 9:18 pm
  • Reply Sarah

    Beautiful snowy photos, it sounds like such a magical moment in Sweden with your sister 🙂 Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Years.

    January 5, 2018 at 4:12 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Thank you Sarah! Wishing you an amazing new year 🙂

      January 7, 2018 at 1:11 pm
  • Reply inlycampbell

    Huaaaaa.. aku selalu kagum ma salju, walaupun udah tahu habis bagus2nya, salju itu menyebalkannn.. Tapi tetap banget foto2 salju itu menghipnotis banget deh..

    January 6, 2018 at 4:35 am
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Iyaa, seneng banget walaupun cuma bentar, abis itu repot deh. Tapi lumayan yah buat foto2, sekaligus kenang2an hehe.

      January 7, 2018 at 1:12 pm
  • Reply aggy87

    No matter how many times I see it, snow falling from the sky for the first time is always magical. The first coat of snow will always excite me. I hope your 2018 will be wonderful too Dixie! 🙂

    January 16, 2018 at 12:13 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      It is. Maybe this is just the tropical kid in me, but I don’t think I’ll ever get bored seeing that. Thank you for the wish Gy, wishing you the same for 2018 🙂

      January 17, 2018 at 5:50 pm

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