
November Reading Wrap Up


Compared to the quiet October, November was far busier, work-wise. I had a lot of projects going on, so I didn’t have much time to read. I only managed to read 2 novels and 1 short story, which isn’t much compared to last month.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I’ll tell you what I liked about this book: the twists. I couldn’t guess right ’til the end. There are many parts in the beginning that foreshadow the later revelations, so I’m thinking of reading this again (usually a book is better when you read it the second time when you realize all the foreshadowing events). What I hated about this book: the writing style.

It’s got to be

the most annoying

thing here,

as the author

kept chopping up

the sentences.

How do you like reading that kind of thing every few pages? I also felt that Lockhart tried to write dramatic/emotional scenes, but failed miserably. 3/5 stars.

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

This book has been sitting on my bookshelf for years (I’m not exaggerating, I think I bought this in 2012), but getting the willpower to read this was difficult. I knew this wouldn’t be an easy read. Reviewing this book is a bit tricky, because I know Sylvia Plath was suffering clinical depression and this semi-autobiography wasn’t intended to be published. This book is hard to read and even harder to like. The main character (which is based on Plath herself) isn’t likable. She’s bitter and negative, and I get that, because she’s depressed. But more than that, even before the breakdown, she’s just plain nasty, cynical, and manipulative. The plot leaves a lot to be desired, and the writing style is SO dull. 2/5 stars.

Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell

A short story about a girl setting up camp in front of a cinema for a Star Wars premiere. This isn’t a novel so there’s not a lot going on, and I’m not a Star Wars fan so I couldn’t really relate. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading this, as Rowell’s eloquence was enough to make such a simple story worth reading. As usual, the characters are adorable without being sickly sweet, and they got me smiling, which was a bonus. 3/5 stars.

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  • Reply Nazura Gulfira

    Wah Dix, aku hampir aja mau beli The Bell Jar.. masih ragu karena liat review di Goodreads enggak begitu bagus tapi penasaran sama ceritanya.. sekarang begitu liat pendapat kamu disini kayanya enggak jadi deh :))

    December 12, 2016 at 1:31 pm
    • Reply Dixiezetha

      Kayanya ini jenis novel yang either you love it or you hate it ya Zu, soalnya aku ngeliat review di Goodreads banyak juga yang ngasih 5 stars. Aku sih ga begitu menikmati novel ini, bosen & depressing. Tapi aku paksain beresin soalnya penasaran juga, buku ini termasuk compulsory read di beberapa English class di US. Agak kecewa sama novel ini, soalnya aku suka banget sama puisi2nya Sylvia Plath 🙁

      December 13, 2016 at 4:12 pm

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