As a big time couch potato, I spend most of my time in my room. Now, I never really feel at home in Jakarta (and my house), but among other places in my house, my room is the most tolerable.
The half-finished painting, Joey says Hi! and Chloe asks Why?, which have sat on the headboard for mere 3 days.
Another canvas in the room is this graduation present I got from my kids. Ah, one of the perks of being a Manajer Pendidikan.
My favorite parts of the bedroom is the bed (because, frankly, I love sleeping) and the purple bookshelves (because I love reading). I wanted a darker purple, though, but this is okay. Still quite empty because most of my books are in Bandung. The quilting on the bed was made by mom.
Of course, being a big fan of Enid Blyton, her books occupy one single row of the shelf.
This is what I see when I lie down on the bed. I have to say that I always get this chill whenever I see rows of books.
It seems that I will stay in this room more often than I want.
June 10, 2013 at 7:55 pm(akan ngereblog dengan foto kamar gua)
((untuk menunjukkan betapa kere nya gua))
extreme iota is extreme. gapapa kamar kere yang penting udah jalan2 ke uk, us, korea, dll. ya ga yot? haha
June 11, 2013 at 4:44 am