People, Snippets of life

A Birthday Post for A Crazy Girl


Special people in my life tend to get mentioned here.

This girl, she’s been mentioned before, but for who she is, she deserves one blog post.

There are many reasons why I had such a blast in Southampton, and she’s one of the reasons. For starters, she’s weird. If (God forbid) my phone got hacked somehow and someone read our conversations, we would be dead.

There are other things too, many things that make her special.

She makes sure I eat when I can’t function, drags me out of bed when I least want it (which just proves that I most likely need it), comes to my house with a box of chocolate when I have a bad day, gets me out of my comfort zone by dragging me to dance lessons, laughs with me and at me (sometimes simultaneously), and does everything to make sure I’m safe and happy at all time. We share a ridiculous amount of dirty secrets and inside jokes, cakes and pies (because having one each is unacceptable for diet, and yet we sometimes can’t resist), and so many other things. She’s one of the very few people whose weirdness matches (if not exceeds) mine, and the one who encourages me to be crazy.

She started as a stranger I met in a pub, whose country of origin I once had to google to know exactly where it was. She’s now my crazy therapist whom I dearly love.

Happy birthday, crazy girl. I miss you so.

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  • Reply Indah Susanti

    A sweet tribute to your best friend! Hope you both had a wonderful birthday celebration..

    March 14, 2015 at 9:22 am
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