I’m starting to get what everyone has been warning me about winter here; the gloom, the bone-chilling weather, and the worst of all, the short daylight. Those warm summer days already feel like they belong to another lifetime.
This week was particularly exhausting. I don’t know if it’s because of the winter affecting me, or the packed schedule I had, or both. But I was so relieved when the weekend came and I could sleep in.
That’s not to say that I’m not enjoying life at the moment. Quite the opposite, I’m enjoying every bit of it. I always look forward to my Swedish class, even if it means that I get home at 10 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. My job gives me the spark and boosts that I was craving (and sorely needed), and while I know there’s a lot to learn and things to be done, I relish all the opportunities and challenges.
It’s been a long way since I had my biggest breakdown after coming here, back in July. At that time, it felt like everything was against me, and truth be told, the thought of moving back to the UK entered my mind so many times. H and I even discussed the possibility of it, and went as far as setting up a deadline for our decision.
But things did get better.
Last Thursday, as I was having a julbord (Christmas buffet) with my colleagues, emotions suddenly hit me. In between the chats and laughter and the burlesque performers doing their Christmas repertoire (that’s another story for another time), I suddenly felt overwhelmed with so much gratitude and relief. That I’m here, with a job, settling in.
After 8 months, this place is starting to feel like home, and I don’t feel like an outsider anymore.
I’m so incredibly grateful.
Dixiiie, aku ikutan seneng bacanya karena relatable banget sama pengalamanku di sini. Langsung flashback ke 1.5 tahun pertama di Belanda yang berat banget. Bukan cuma karena sistem dan lingkungan PhD di tempatku yang waktu itu bikin aku ngerasa terisolasi, tapi juga masalah akomodasi di sini yang sesusah itu sampai bisa dapet yang sesuai. Bersyukur banget sih sekarang semua masalah itu udah terlewati. And I can safely say that Rotterdam is my third home (after Bandung and Bournemouth! heheh).
Duh, kok malah curcol panjang lebar di sini :))
Oh well, semoga semakin lancar dan menyenangkan ke depannya yaa, Dix! 😉
December 9, 2018 at 10:45 pmAaah bener banget Zu, beberapa bulan pertama itu yang terberat yah. Aku juga ngalamin susahnya cari akomodasi, ngerasa isolated, dll. Luntang-lantung masalah akomodasi itu emang bikin ga tenang ya, bulan2 pertama itu aku rasanya insecure terus, cemas berkepanjangan (apalagi waktu masih nyari2 kerja). Sekarang bersyukur bgt semuanya udah lebih baik daripada waktu pertama pindah ke sini. Lhaa aku malah jadi curhat juga haha.
Thank you ya Zu, semoga sukses di sana 🙂
December 15, 2018 at 9:52 pmEven Jakarta’s gloomy sky feels depressing these days, I can’t imagine how it’s like now far in the north where you’re living currently. But at least when summer time comes, you’ll get sunshine much longer than us on the equator! That’s something to look forward to having in six months’ time. Glad good things are finally coming up your way.
December 11, 2018 at 12:16 pmThank you Bama! It feels pretty gloomy now weather-wise, but the Christmas vibes and decorations help a lot. You can really feel the Christmas spirit, so it’s not so bad now. I’m dreading January though…
December 15, 2018 at 10:00 pmAw, I loved this post! I’m so glad things are starting to look up for you 🙂 Getting settled in a new place is always one of the hardest bits! I moved to a big city six months ago and it’s only just now that I’m finally starting to feel comfortable in my routine and my life. I am LOVING. IT. Glad to hear you’re feeling the same.
Onwards and upwards!
(And I can’t wait to hear about these burlesque performers.)
xo, Victoria
December 15, 2018 at 5:38 pmThanks for reading Victoria! The first 6 months is always the hardest when you move to a new place. Glad you’re now loving life in the new place 🙂
I’ll write about the burlesque performers soon! 😉
December 15, 2018 at 10:06 pm