December is my second-favorite month after October, and Christmas is the sole reason for that. There are many reasons to be depressed in December. The deadlines, the grey sky, the cold weather, and so on and so forth. But then there comes Christmas to save the gloom by making it all looks merry and festive, way before it’s actually here.
Somehow Christmas makes everything looks ten times better, even if some things have nothing to do with it. All the lights and little things are still beautiful and got me into Christmas spirit.
Yesterday I went to the city center with some friends to try the German bar and restaurant (and for me, also to get more Christmassy atmosphere). I’m sure it was nothing like the Weinachstmarkt in Germany, but this was the closest we could get: some Bratwursts, mulled wine, and German beer.
And the good thing about being here is I don’t have to play Christmas songs just to feel that Christmas is coming soon, like I did back at home. It’s everywhere, even in the places I wouldn’t have imagined, like the library. Yes, they have a Christmas tree in there. And that thing never fails to cheer me up when I’m so stressed out with all the essays and everything. I can be bored and exhausted, but whenever I walk past the reception and see it, I’m thinking, ‘Hang on, it’s only gonna be for a short while now, and Christmas is coming real soon.’
There’s a little girl in me that never stops counting down the days to Christmas, and she always gets more and more impatient everyday.
It’s twelve more days. 🙂
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